the scout association of jamaica


Scouting came to Jamaica in 1910, with first troop being started in Brown’s Town, St. Ann, by the Rev. J.W. Graham. The first troop to be formed in Kingston was started by Mr. Harry Mills in 1911. The Wolmer’s Boys School Troop was also started in the same year by Mr. D.L. Stephenson.

In 1912 the first St. Catherine troop was started by Mr. F.S. Massias in Spanish Town. Lord Baden-Powell who was the Common Wealth Chief Scout, visited Jamaica in that year and it was on his voyage to Jamaica that he met his wife to be; Olave Soames

In 1913 the Jamaican Branch of Boys Scout Association was registered. Captain Langley became the first Island Commissioner. The first Island Camp was held at Clovelly Park (what are now the grounds of Kingston Collage) in this same year.

In 1920 the Association became the Boys Scout Association of Jamaica. Then, in 1920, a Contingent of Scout from Jamaica was sent to the Olympia Jamboree in England and we have represented in every World Jamboree since then.

Jamaica hosted the first Caribbean jamboree a Briggs Park (now Up Park Camp) in 1952. In 1958 the Scout Headquarters was established at its present address 2D Camp Road, Kingston. Prior to this the Headquarters was housed on the Doncaster Lands, by the sea in Kingston.

The boys Scout Association Jamaica had three Island Commissioners: 

  1913   –   Captain Langley

  1932   –   Mr. Noel Crossswell

  1940   –   Mr. H.D Tucker

  1949   –   Mr. D.S A Fitz-Ritzon     

While Mr. Fitz-Ritzon was in office the ”Island Commissioner” was changed to ”Chief Commissioner” and since then there has been nine other Chief Commissioners

1978  –   Mr. James Lloyd

1979   –  Brigs. Dunstan Robinson 

1986  –   Mr. Vincent Rose

1994   –   Mr. Richard Chambers

1998   –   Dr. Edward Lee

2003  –   Supt. Stanford Davis

2007 –     Rev. Barrington Soares

2013 –     Mr. Maurice Brown

 2020-    Mr. Garth Russell


          The Scout Association of Jamaica has an Organisational structure which is headed by the Scout Council which is chaired by an elected president. Members of the Council consist of the Chief Scout, the Chief Commissioner, members of Local Scout Associations, Scouters and representatives of other organisations such as the Girls Guides and the Church.

 The officers of our Association are as follows:

The Chief Scout-  The Governor General of Jamaica

President of the Association

Vice President(s)

Chairman of the Executive

The Chief Commissioner

Deputy Chief Commissioners

Asst. Chief Commissioners

The Executive Commissioner

The Executive Secretary

The Honorary Treasurer

The Honorary Secretary

Field Commissioners

District Commissioner

Asst. District Commissioners


Scout (Troops Leaders, Patrol Leaders and Seconds included).

The Youth section is divided into:

Cub Scouts           7 – 10 yrs.

Scout                      11 – 15 yrs.

Ventures                15 – 18 yrs.

Rovers                     18 -25 yrs.

There are Air Scouts and Sea Scouts, there is also Scouting for the physically challenged, whether they are blind, deaf or crippled.  In Joining the Scouts, you becoming a member of a great world movement and in nearly every country in the world you will find brother and sister Scouts. Scouts in other countries do not always wear the same uniform, yet all Scouts proudly wear the world badge and use the Scout motto in their own language. All Scouts make the promise, and all try to keep or obey the Law. Anywhere in the world another Scout will recognise the Scout Sign, the Scout salute and the Scout Handshake. In their training, they all try to become expert and learn the skills of outdoor life.


The Mission of Scouting in Jamaica is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law, to help build a better Jamaica where young people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.


By 2023 Scouting will be Jamaica’s leading non-formal educational youth organization of choice, enabling over 5,000 registered young people to be active citizens creating positive change in their communities based on the Scout movement’s core values and principles.