About Cubbing

Cub Scouts are boys age 7-10 years old. The Cub Scout programme is divided into three sections; Bronze Arrow, Silver Arrow, and Gold Arrow. The Cub Scout that will be transferred to the Scout Troop will work towards his link Award (Platinum Arrow)

The Cub Scout Programme

Below is a list of the criteria a Cub Scout is expected to complete in each section of the programme.

1. Cleanliness 2. Physical Fitness
3. Rope Work 4. National Culture
5. Safety 6. Arts & Crafts
7. Discovering & 8 Exploring Your District
  Observing Nature    
9. Collecting 10. Entertaining
11. Home Services 12. Family Life
13. Protect Yourself/    
  Drug Awareness 14. Conservation
15. Disaster Preparedness 16. Water Activities
17. Vocational Skills 18. Modern Technology
19. Law & Promise