What is Scouting
Scouts are boys and girls who are 11-14 years old. A Scout may have been a member of a Cub Scout pack or just joining the movement.
The Scout Programme
Progress Requirement
The Membership Badge
- Have a knowledge of the Scout movement in Jamaica.
- Have a knowledge of the life of the founder Lord Baden Powell of Gilwell, and of the history and structure of World Scouting in outline
- Take part in a Patrol or Troop activity outdoors.
- Know the Scout Motto.
- Know, understand and accept the Scout Promise.
- Know, understand and accept the Scout Law.
The Scout Standard Badge
To be passed under arrangements made by a Patrol leader and awarded on the recommendations of the Patrol Leaders’ Council (PLC) subject to the approval of the Scout Leader. (To be completed before the 13th birthday)
- Scout Skill
- Pack a rucksack for a weekend camp
- Have a working knowledge of semaphore and be able to send and receive a simple message
- Demonstrate the use of the following knots: reef knot, sheet bend, clove hitch, bowline, sheepshank, timber hitch, and two lashings.
- Demonstrate West Country whipping and a simple whipping.
- Demonstrate the care and use of a hand-axe, cutlass, pocket knife and a kitchen knife.
- Know 16 points of the compass and use a compass to find a given bearing.
- Health and Hygiene
- Have a practicing knowledge of Personal hygiene, e.g. cleaning teeth, bathing
- Know how to deal with simple cuts, grazes, fainting, sprains, burns, and scalds.
- Demonstrate the use of a triangular bandage as a large arm-sling.
- Understand the mouth-to-mouth method of respiratory resuscitation
- National Heritage
- Explain the composition and history of the Flag of your country.
- Demonstrate how to prepare, hoist, break and lower the flag of your country, and understand flag etiquette.
- Hobby
- Demonstrate some proficiency and/or skill in a hobby or interest.
- Community Service
- Know and understand the highway code.
- Be able to use any type of telephone to call for: The Fire Brigade, the Police and the Ambulance.
- Be able to direct strangers, and have some knowledge of local places of interest or importance (e.g., hospital, location of doctors’ offices, police station, drug stores/pharmacies, post office, hospitals, and tourist attractions.)
- Cooking
- Lay and light a fire outdoors, boil water, and make a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa.
- Cook an egg- fry, boil, scramble, etc., either outdoor over a wood fire, or indoor on a stove.
- Environment
Demonstrate an awareness of the need for conservation of the environment and prepare a display or an illustration of a conservation project.
- Adventure
- Complete a one day hike, no more than 8 miles with your Patrol.
- Participate in a camp lasting 2 days 1 night with your patrol (in tent)
- Be able to swim using Freestyle for 25m and tread in water for 30seconds
- Promise and law
Discuss with your Scout Leader your progress in Scouting including living by the promise and Law and plan your future progress in the Scout Movement.
To be passed under the arrangement made by the Scout Leader. (To be completed before the 15th birthday)
- Scout Skill
- Understand the grid system of a map and use prismatic or Silva Compass to set a map.
- Know the 32 points of the compass.
- Know how to find North by day or night other than by compass.
- Know the area around your Scout Meeting place within a two-kilometer radius; sketch a map of the area, using conventional signs.
- Identify:
- 4 local timber trees and know the use of the wood
- 4 ornamental trees or shrubs;
- 4 local birds and have a knowledge of their habits
- 4 local fish/animals and have a knowledge of their habits or habit
- Do a backsplice, an eyesplice, a short splice, fisherman’s knot, rolling hitch, manharness knot.
- Construct a trestle using square and diagonal lashing; Demonstrate the use of a sheer lashing to construct sheer legs on a flagpole with three sections
- Signaling- Be able to send and receive a message of not less than 150 letters at rate 9 (45 letters per minute) in semaphore or at rate 5 ( 25 letters per minute) in morse.
- First Aid
- Demonstrate basic first Aid for poisons, snake bites, dog bites, scorpion stings, other insects and irritations from contact with plants
- Demonstrate how to immobilize broken or dislocated limbs.
- Demonstrate how to control bleeding from the nose and external bleeding
- Understand the dangers of moving an injured person
- Make an improvised stretcher and demonstrate any other means how to move an injured person.
- Understand the mouth-to-mouth and another method of respiratory resuscitation.
- National Heritage
Pass any two of the following test:
- Be able to do one of your
local folk dances either as an individual or as a member of a group. E.g.
Dinki-mini, kumina, Ska, dance hall
- Sing a reggae or a local folk song
- Tell a local folk story
- Make a musical instrument out of discarded objects
- Hobbies
Satisfy the Examiner that he has shown an interest in any one of the following activities for a period of not less than 3 months:
- Cultivate a small plot of land and successfully grow vegetables or flowers.
- Produce evidence of rearing rabbits, fish, poultry, or other small stock.
- Show knowledge of, and produce evidence of Beekeeping.
- Produce a model in woodwork, basketry, clay, seashells, straw, coconut shells, bamboo, leather, or any other medium.
- Produce evidence of any other productive hobby or interest
- Community Service
Produce evidence of having for a period of at least 3 months one of the following:
Regularly assisted
- A Physically Challenged person
- At a public institution
- With a community project
- Adventure
- With another Scout of your age, with a map and/or compass, complete either
20 Km journey on foot, or 25 Km by water or 80Km by cycle; camping overnight in the outdoors, and cooking a hot meal, including fish or meat. Produce a simple log (journal) of your journey.
- Either demonstrate how to pitch and strike a patrol tent and know how to care for the tent. Build a bivouac large enough for two people.
- Demonstrate how to cut bamboo or wood using a cutlass
- Complete the requirements for the swimming badge
- Have camped with another Scout, Patrol or Troop for at least a total of 8 nights.
- Be able to swim using Breaststroke, Backstroke, and float. Tread in deep water for two minutes.
- Environment
Take part in a conservation project at Troop, Patrol or Community level
- Promise and Law
Discuss with your Scout Leader:
- Your understanding of the Scout Promise and Law.
- Your Future Scout Training and membership in the Venture Scout Section.
- The practical meaning of the term- The worldwide Brotherhood of Scouts.